

Bio: I'm in the second half of my life…according to life expectancy statistics. I'm raising a family and most of the time…it's very entertaining.

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8 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you for your gift. You put motherhood perfectly into words. I’ve never commented on a blog but had to tell you how wonderful your writing is and how much I connected with everything.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t read blogs, despite being somewhat of a blogger. I just finished binge reading yours. I only got the chance because it’s Mother’s Day and my family brought me the obligatory breakfast and I am still in bed “relaxing”. I Love you. We are about the same age and my son just went off to college this fall. I’ve been married 25 years and I also have younger kids. I suppose that’s why I fell in love with you. Thank you for your words. I’m hooked. Found you on Grown and Flown. Best wishes


    1. Thank you so much for such kind words! I really appreciate it. I hope your Mother’s Day is wonderful and I love you back 🤣


  3. do you have a way to sign up for your blogs, so I can get them via email? I have also been married for 25 years, and this is the most honest account of what it is like to be married for 25 years, that I have ever read. Bravo!


    1. Yes! On this blog there is a follow button to get new posts sent via email. This particular essay was published on the Grown and Flown and so they have it on their website and Facebook page for six months. Thanks so much for reading! ❤️


  4. Hi! I just read your piece on parenting teens in Grown & Flown and I’m so thankful I did. (I couldn’t find a way to comment there but I probably just overlooked it.)
    My daughter is 20 and going into her senior year of college. She has only ever had very casual jobs, even in summer – babysitting and working at the performing arts center on campus – while my nieces and nephews and friends’ kids have all had scheduled part time work since they could get work permits. I’m a single mom and it’s just me and her. I was a rule-following, fairly good student and so it surprised me to be the one telling her to slack off, take a mental health day, and not worry about working.
    Reading your take on how much more difficult it is to be a teen now makes me feel so much better about the decisions I have made in raising her. Getting that bit of external validation even though I already knew they were the right decisions for us eases my worried mom mind.
    Thank you so much!!!


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